Thursday, November 22, 2007


So, the whole walking thing didn't work out, I managed most of everything else.

This job of mine, hospital phlebotomist, on top of school makes it a bit hard for me to do things the way I would like to, so I am just going to take the easy way out and wait to start back up on truly(mostly) properly eating after my last day of work.

And school is out for Christmas shortly thereafter.

In the tradition of posting pictures and shits and talking about them on your blog, I am going to post some pictures and shit on my blog and talk about them. These pictures and shit will be about things that I am currently wanting to bust my visa out for(or, in a couple cases, already did).

I am a big fan of MAC makeup, and sadly I live no where close to a kiosk or store so I have to check things out over the internet via their website or a livejournal community that I frequent.
So here we go.

MAC comes out with these holidays sets each year and they are pretty nifty, each set has a variety of things in mini sizes, so it's a good time of the year to get into MAC if you are new to it, you can sample some of this and that without spending as much as you normally would. Another plus is the packaging is usually pretty nifty.

Curiositease 5 cool lipglass and lustreglass set


I am told that I am a 'cool' when it comes to makeup and other things that require knowing whether or not you are a 'warm' or 'cool', so I suppose this set would be for me. I really like the look of a lot of lip products out there, but I h ave the unfortunate problem of enjoying wearing my hair down. the hair gets on my lips and smears the stuff on them everywhere. So until I find a solution to that problem I will pretty much be a chapstick girl.

Curiositease 5 softsprakle pencil set


I am curious(har!) about these, but I have never used them and I really am not up for dropping this much on something I am even less sure about than something I have tried, as with the lipglasses. BUT SO PRETTY.

Metal-x(sidenote: while actually writing this out I said it in my head as well and I realized it is another one of their play on words) is a new collection of makeup recently released (and today I actually bought some of these things to give a try, MAC is kind enough to have an excellent refund policy on their products, so if nothing works out for me, I can send it back for a full refund):

Metal-X Cream Shadow


I bought two of these in the shades 6th sin and Plum electric after seeing the swatches on on her review(actual swatches of the collection are posted here) of the collection. They are an eyeshadow pot with a creamy texture, I enjoy the eyeliner/crayon variety of this sort so I want to give these try.

Metal-x Glitter Eyeliner


I have already bought a glitter eyeliner from MAC, not sure form which collection, but the name of it is peacocky and I adore it, so naturally I had to buy Lime Dandy from this set as green is my best buddy forever. Seriously, these go on easily, in my experience, and really make your eyes pop. AND SPARKLES YO. This was the last of what I bought from that collection, but if i like the two shadows I have already ordered I might get a couple more. We'll see!

Kohl Power Eye Pencil


This is another thing I bought, but in a color called Feline, blackests of blacks, supposedly. I am really a Maybelline girl when it comes to eyeliner, I've been using one brand from them for ages now...but I'd like to branch out. I am also interested in the color called Jealous, the swatch I saw on the aforementioned Temptalia site looked gorgeous.

Paint Pot


I don't know exactly how to describe paint pots, I've never used them before but...imagine a wet to dry eyeshadow. They are often used as bases for eyeshadows to intensify the color, though they can be used perfectly well on their own, or so I've heard. I got one of the plainest out of the bunch, Painterly, to try out since I wanted a plain base color to start with. I am really wetting myself for Pharaoh and Delft, but I have to draw the line somewhere since I have no idea how they will work out. This is, I believe the last thing in this silly list of wastefulness I am making that I bought.

I want to get into photography, so much that I am already signed up for a course, on actual film and then you develop it yourself. I took a course in high school but, well, it was a high school course. I actually did a final English thesis on becoming a photographer one year in school, but then I stumbled onto the world of forensic pathology. Since I am now running far, far away from medical I thought I'd try out photography again while I do my main classes for education. Anyway, after my course is over, if I end up finding a niche in it I already have the money saved up for a couple things.

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTI

Anywhere from $230 on up

Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC HSM

Anywhere from about $300 on up

I have done a lot of research into what camera would be the best pick for someone just starting, but who would like to use it for serious hobby and these were the two most highly recommended things. I actually had these things ordered but, as it turns out, holiday shopping has put these items on back order, so I figure I will just wait until after the course(because maybe I will just suck ass and it would be a waste of a good digi on a suck ass) to purchase them.

More to come on other posts of wantings.

Excuse any weirdness or typing on this post, it took me a bit to do this and make it right and it was my very first time getting all complicated with links and stuffs.


Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey girl. Just stopping by from Temptalia :) Sorry to hear you don't have a MAC close to you but I guess in some ways, it may be a good thing. I know I frequent quite a bit. I think you will LOVE the paint pots. Delft is an amazing color if you like how Painterly goes for you! And I was looking at the same camera. The price of $230+ must just be for the body itself, right? Cuz I'm seeing at least $599+ for it over here.

Anyhow, nice blog. Keep it up :) Have a great day!

Anonymous said...


I've never tried glitter eyeliner but it sounds like something I want! Especially now that it's holiday, it's nice to sass it up with something sparkly :)

Samuel Angel said...

hi, squeem body shapers are on on in